- General Introduction
- Organization chart
- Academic team
- Achievements
- Introduction of Stable Isotope
- Certificates

MP: 13918659978
Address:Room 510,Administrative building,No.345 East Yunling Road, Putuo,Shanghai,China
Zip code: 200062
1、Achieved Items:
(1)Three “Technical Research” Projects by the Ministryof Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China
(2)One “Vitalizing Trade by Science and Technology”Project by the Ministry by Science and Technology of the People’s Republic ofChina
(3)One“Civilian Non-dynamic Nuclear Technique Industrialization” Project by theNational Development and Reform Commission
(4)Two “Patent Technique Secondary Development”Projects by Shanghai Municipal Science & Technology Commission
(5)Two “Science and Technology Innovation” Projects byShanghai Municipal Science & Technology Commission
(6)One “Research on Science and Technology” Project byShanghai Municipal Science & Technology Commission
(7)Three “Technical Standards” Projects by Shanghai Municipal Science & Technology Commission
(8)One “Enterprise Technique Center Construction”Project by Shanghai Economic Committee
(9)One “Digestion and Absorption of Innovation” Project by Shanghai Economic Committee
(10)Two High-Tech Industrialization Projects Granted by Ministry of Finance
(11)One Bio-Medicine Special Project Granted by Scienceand Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality
(12)Two State key New Product Projects
2、Patent Information:
We have appliedfor 102 patents involving in stable isotop separation technology and synthesismethods for labeled compound, among which 93 invention patents, 9 utility modelpatents and 48 authorized invention patents,7 authorized utilitymodel patents.
3、Technical Standards :
We have been in charge of making “ Stable Isotope 15N Inorganic Labeled Compound”(National Standards), “Stable Isotope Gaseous Neon” (IndustryStandards),”Stable Isotope Heavy Oxygen Water “ (Industry Standards). At the same time, we have formulated and performed seven enterprise standards such as”Urea-15N2”.
4、Prize Information:
“The preparation technology and application of the key reagents-Oxygen 18 Water forcancer diagnosis ”was awarded The second prize for technological inventions in Shanghai
“The Preparation Technology of Stable Isotope 15N (High Enrichment)”won the first prize of “Award for Science and Technology Advancemnet” by ShanghaiCity in 2005.
“Stable Isotope 15N and its Derivatives” was evaluated as the Transformation of High-tech Results Project by Shanghai City in 2001, and in the consecutive four years was acquired the“Hundred Exemplar” of Transformation of High-tech Results Project by Shanghai City from 2001 to 2004.
“Stable Isotope Gaseous Neon” was evaluated as the Transformation of High-tech Results Project by Shanghai City in 2004.
“Stable Isotope Gaseous Neon” was appraised as Shanghai Key New Product in 2004.
“Stable Isotope 15N (HighEnrichment)” was evaluated as National Key New Product in 2003.
“Stable Isotope 15N (HighEnrichment)” was awarded the third prize of “Shanghai City Excellent NewProducts”in 2003.
“Stable Isotope 15N (HighEnrichment)” was awarded the second prize of “China’s Petroleum and ChemicalIndustry Association Award for Science and Technology Advancemnet”in 2004.
“Mass Transfer Exchange Tower for 15Nproduction” was awarded the first prize of “Shanghai City Inventions &Patents Competition”.
“the Research, Development and Industrialization of Stable Isotope18O”
“Second Award for Science and TechnologyAdvancement Granted by China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Association(2007)”
“Method for18O enriched waterProduction and Rectifying Device for Collecting 18O enriched water”
First Award for Shanghai Municipality’s Excellent Invention in 2007
The center has been qualified the Standard Attestation of ISO9001: 2000 International Quality control System, andissued the famous “UKAS”Certificate.